СССР (Союз Советских Социалистических Республик)
SSSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)
MINISTERSTVO MORSKOGO FLOTA (Ministry of the Maritime Fleet)
GOSUDARSTVENNY TREST "ARKTIKUGOL" (State Trust 'Arktikugol' (Arktikugol translates to "Arctic Coal")
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Norway/Arktikigol P201E 1 Kopenka 1961 (No date)Noorwegen / Norway, Svalbard/Spitsbergen 1 Kopeek / 1 Kopenka. Type jaar/year: [1961 (No date)]
Geen datum op het biljet / No date on the note.
Cat.1. P201E (Pick/Krause Vol3 1961-Present)
Cat.2. B191E (The Banknote Book).€ 75,00
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