A list of countries per continent.
Africa | Algeria |
Antarctic | Antarctic |
Asia | Afghanistan Akrotiri en Dhekelia (GB) Armenia Azerbeidzjan Bahrein Bangladesh Bhutan British Indian Ocean territory (GB) Brunei Cambodia China Christmas Island (AUS) Cocos Islands (AUS) Cyprus Egypt Philippines Georgia Hong Kong (CN) India Indonesia Iraq Iran Israel Japan Jemen Jordan Kazachstan Kirgiz Kuweit Laos Lebanon Macau (CN) Maldives Malaysia Mongolia Myanmar Nepal North-Korea Uzbekistan Oman East-Timor Pakistan Palestine Qatar Russia Saudi-Arabia Singapore Sri Lanka Syria Tadzjikistan Taiwan Thailand Turkey Turkmenistan United Arab Emirates Vietnam South-Korea |
Europe | Åland (FIN) |
North-America | American Virgin Islands (VS) Anguilla (GB) Antigua and Barbuda Bahamas Barbados Belize Bermuda (GB) Bonaire (NL) British Virgin Islands (GB) Canada Clipperton (F) Costa Rica Cuba Curaçao (NL) Dominica Dominican Republic El Salvador Grenada Greenland (DK) Guadeloupe (F) Guatemala Haiti Honduras Jamaica Kayman Islands (GB) Martinique (F) Mexico Montserrat (GB) Navassa (VS) Nicaragua Panama Puerto Rico (VS) Saba (NL) Saint-Barthélemy (F) Saint Kitts en Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Pierre en Miquelon (F) Saint Vincent en de Grenadines Saint Eustatius (NL) Saint Maarten (F) Saint Maarten (NL) Trinidad and Tobago Turkish- and Caicos Islands (GB) United States |
Oceania | American-Samoa (VS) Ashmore- and Cartier Islands (AUS) Australia Baker (VS) Cook Islands (NZ) East-Timor[6] Fiji Frensh-Polynesia (F) Guam (VS) Hawai (VS) Howland (VS) Indonesia Jarvis (VS) Johnston (VS) Kingman (VS) Kiribati Marshall Islands Micronesia Midway (VS) Nauru New-Caledonia (F) New-Sealand Niue (NZ) Northern Marian (VS) Norfolk (AUS) Palau Palmerston Island Palmyra (VS) Papoea-New-Guinea Pitcairn Islands (GB) Salomons Islands Samoa Tokelau (NZ) Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu Wake (VS) Wallis and Futuna (F) |
South-America | Argentina Aruba (NL) Bolivia Brazil Chili Colombia Ecuador Falklands (GB) Frensh-Guyana (F)[3] Guyana Panama Paraguay Peru Suriname Uruguay Venezuela |
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