Central African States. T = Congo
The political state of the Republic Congo has changed dramatically over the years.
Belgian Congo: Before gaining independence, the country was known as Belgian Congo as it was a colony under Belgian rule.
Independence: On June 30, 1960, the country gained independence and became the Republic of the Congo.
Congo-Léopoldville: In 1964, the name was changed to Congo-Léopoldville to distinguish it from the other country named Congo-Brazzaville.
Zaïre: On October 27, 1971, the name was changed again to Zaïre under the rule of President Mobutu Sese Seko.
Democratic Republic of the Congo: After Mobutu's fall in 1997, the name was changed once more to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the name the country currently holds.
Congo Republic (Brazzaville) P1 100 Francs 1963Congo Republiek (Brazzaville) / Congo Republic (Brazzaville), 100 Francs Type: [1963] 25-6-1963.
Cat. P1.a / B102.av.€ 30,00P103C.g
Congo Republic (Brazzaville) P103C 2,000 Francs 2000Congo Republiek (Brazzaville) / Congo Republic (Brazzaville), 2.000 Francs / 2,000 Francs Type: [1993-2002] 2000.
Cat. P103C.g / B103C.g.€ 21,00P102C.g
Central African States/Congo Republic (Brazzaville) P102C.g 1,000 Francs 2000Congo Republiek (Brazzaville) / Congo Republic (Brazzaville), 1.000 Francs / 1,000 Francs. Type jaar/year: [1993-2002]
Datum/date: 2000.
Cat.1. P102C.g (Pick/Krause Vol3 1961-Present)
Cat.2. B102C.g (The Banknote Book).€ 8,00P103C.h
Central African States/Congo Republic (Brazzaville) P103C.h 2,000 Francs 2002Congo Republiek (Brazzaville) / Congo Republic (Brazzaville), 2.000 Francs / 2,000 Francs. Type jaar/year: [1993-2002]
Datum/date: 2002.
Cat.1. P103C.h (Pick/Krause Vol3 1961-Present)
Cat.2. B103C.h (The Banknote Book).€ 17,50
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