During the late 1970's Italy had a problem in small change supply.
This was solved by allowing regional banks to issue cheque like banknotes of low values.
Each cheque should contain the name of the organization that ordered the money, creating hundreds and thousands of variants.
Banco AmbrosianoSelect the desired variant from the selection list
Watch it! You can buy 100 and 250 lire notes. There is an appearant difference. In your shopping cart you can see only the first image. This might lead to confusion.
Bank…€ 1,95 € 0,45-77%
Banca AntonianaAfbeelding is een voorbeeld.
Kies uit de selectielijst voor de gewenste variant.
Dimensioni: 120X60
Filigrana: rombi
Colori: blu, azzurro e marrone
Banca Antoniana di Padova e Trieste
N° Valore da Lire…€ 1,95 € 0,45-77%
Credito ArtigianoSelect the desired variant from the selection list
Watch it! You can buy 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 lire notes. There is an appearant difference. In your shopping cart you can see only the first image. This might lead to…€ 1,95 € 0,45-77%
Istituto Centrale di Banche e Banchieri (ICBB)Select the desired variant from the selection list
Watch it! You can buy 100 and 150 lire notes. There is an appearant difference. In your shopping cart you can see only the first image. This might lead to confusion.
These are…€ 1,95 € 0,45-77%
Banca BelinzaghiSelect your desired variant from the selection list.
Watch it! You can buy the 50, 100 and 150 lire notes. A distinct difference in appearance. In your shoppingcart you can only see the first image. This can lead to…€ 1,95 € 0,45-77%
Banca Popolare di BergamoSelect the desired variant from the selection list
Watch it! You can buy 100, 150, 200 and 250 lire notes. There is an appearant difference. In your shopping cart you can see only the first image. This might lead to…€ 1,95 € 0,45-49%
Banca di Trento e Bolzano 50 LireImages are examples.
Choose from the selection list for the desired variant.
(The price is for an UNC sample. Lower quality are cheaper!)€ 2,95 € 1,50-49%
Banca di Trento e Bolzano 100 LireImages are examples.
Choose from the selection list for the desired variant.
(The price is for an UNC sample. Lower quality are cheaper!)€ 2,95 € 1,50-38%
Banca di Trento e Bolzano 200 LireImages are examples.
Choose from the selection list for the desired variant.
(The price is for an UNC sample. Lower quality are cheaper!)€ 3,95 € 2,45-77%
Banca Calderari & Moggioli50 and 350 Lire, Banca Calderari & Moggioli s.p.a. Trento, il 10 Giugnio 1977.
Set of two notes.€ 1,95 € 0,45-77%
Banca agricola commerciale di reggio EmiliaSelect the desired variant from the selection list
Watch it! You can buy 100 and 200 lire notes. There is an appearant difference. In your shopping cart you can see only the first image. This might lead to…€ 1,95 € 0,45-77%
Banca di credito agrario di Ferrara - 100 LireMany different dates and issuing organisations.
Check the dropdown list for specifics.€ 1,95 € 0,45-77%
Banca di credito agrario di Ferrara - 150 LireMany different dates and issuing organisations.
Check the dropdown list for specifics.€ 1,95 € 0,45-77%
Banca di credito agrario di Ferrara - 50 LireMany different dates and issuing organisations.
Check the dropdown list for specifics.€ 1,95 € 0,45-77%
La Banca del Friuli - 100 LireDifferent variants and qualities.
Please check dropdown box for your choice.€ 1,95 € 0,45-77%
La Banca del Friuli - 150 LireDifferent variants and qualities.
Please check dropdown box for your choice.€ 1,95 € 0,45-50%
Banca Industriale GallaratesePlease select with the dropdown box which value and variant you like.
€ 6,95 € 3,45-77%
l'Iccrea - 100 LireVery many variants and quality.
Use the selection list to select your variant. Mind the different prices which vary with the scarcity and quality of the notes.€ 1,95 € 0,45-77%
L'Istituto Centrale Delle Banche Popolari Italiane - 100 LireVery many variants. See dropdown list to select your desired example. Mind the quality and price differences!
€ 1,95 € 0,45-77%
Istituto Bancario Italiano - 50 LireDifferent variants, prices and qualities. Please use dropdown box to select your choice.
€ 1,95 € 0,45-77%
Istituto Bancario Italiano - 100 LireDifferent variants, prices and qualities. Please use dropdown box to select your choice.
€ 1,95 € 0,45-77%
il Credito Italiano - 100 LireMany different variants.
See dropdown box for quality and variant prices.€ 1,95 € 0,45-77%
il Credito Italiano - 150 LireMany different variants.
See dropdown box for quality and variant prices.€ 1,95 € 0,45-77%
Banco LarianoPlease use the dropdown list to select the item of your desire.
Please note you can select 100, 150 or 200 lire, in different qualities and prices!€ 1,95 € 0,45-77%
Banca Popolare di LeccoChoose between 100 or 150 Lire. See selection dropdown box to select your desired note, variant, quality and price.
€ 1,95 € 0,45-77%
La Banca Provinciale LombardaPrinted or stamped date?
Blue, red, green, purple or black date?
100, 150 or 200 Lire?
Choose your variant from the selection box. Mind the different prices and qualities.€ 1,95 € 0,45-77%
La Banca Popolare di Milano50, 100, 150 and 200 Lire.
Various variants and values. Please mind the different qualities and prices in the dropdown list.€ 1,95 € 0,45-77%
La Banca Popolare di Novara - 100 LirePlease use the dropdown list to select your variant. Also some very illusive overprints are available in UNC quality.
Please note the different dates, prices, qualities and variants.€ 1,95 € 0,45-77%
La Banca del SalentoSelect the object of your choice using the dropdown list.
100, 150 and 200 Lire. Different qualities and variants. Please note the different prices.€ 1,95 € 0,45-77%
l'Istituto Bancario San Paolo di TorinoIn the dropdownlist you can find 50, 100 and 200 Lire notes, listed by catalogue number
Different dates, issuers, qualities and prices, at your selection.€ 1,95 € 0,45-77%
Il Banco di Sicilia - 100 LireSelect any of the many variants, dates, issuers, qualities and prices from the dropdown list.
€ 1,95 € 0,45-77%
Il Banco di Sicilia - 150 LireMany different variants, qualities, dates and prices. Please pick your selection from the dropdown list.
€ 1,95 € 0,45-77%
Credito VaresinoSelect from the dropdown list a 100, 150 or 200 lire note.
Different dates, issuers, qualities and prices.€ 1,95 € 0,45-77%
Banca Cattolica del Veneto - 100 LireVery many different variants available.
Select your variant, quality and price from the dropdown list.€ 1,95 € 0,45-50%
Il Banco di Chiavari e della Riviera Ligure - 100, 200 & 300 Lire 1977.02.15 SeriesOnly a few series available!
100, 200 and 300 lire, 15 Febbraio 1977 ('77.02.15) UNC€ 19,95 € 9,95
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