Vietnam (Vietnamese: Việt Nam), officially the Socialistic Republic of Vietnam, is a country in Southeast Asia. On the Indochina peninsula bordered by China in the north, the Gulf of Tonkin and there within the Chinese island of Hainan in the northeast, by the South Chinese Sea in the southeast, by Cambodia in the southwest and by Laos in the northwest. With 92.477.857 (2013) inhabitants Vietnam belongs to the fourteen most densly populated countries in the world. The capital is the northern Hanoi (Hà Nội) and the biggest city is the southern Ho Chi Minh city (Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh), previously known as Saigon.

After over one thousand years of Chinese occupation, Vietnam became independant int he tenth century AD. In the following centuries the countrey expanded southworth. In the nineteenth century Vietnam became colonised by France with nabouring countries Laos and Cambodia. The french left the colony after the first Indochinese War (6th December 1946 till 1st August 1954), after which Vietnam was devided in a communist northern part and a anti communist southern part. These two parts fought during the second Indochinese War, better known as the war in Vietnam (1957 till 1975), which inevetably lead into the North-Vietnam victory and unification of the two parts.

Since the unification in 1976 Vietnam is a socialistic peoples republic. The Communist Party of Vietnam has single political power, through political and economical refroms the country is increasedly involved in the worlds economy since 1986.

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