MONETARY DOCUMENTS OF THE NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETYThis book offers an extensive overview of Cash orders and Banknotes of the Netherlands Trading Society between 1888 and 1946, including detailed backgrounds and full color images.
€ 35,00Part 1
Catalogue Dutch Paper Money 1573-2002. Part 1.Please note the catalogue is written in Dutch, with no translation available!
Read the bookreview, published in IBNS Journal, 2016-1.€ 34,95 € 20,00Part 2
Catalogue Papermoney of the Netherlands & Overseas territories 1760-Present. Part 2.Banknotes, Silver Certificates/Treasury notes, Bankers notes.
Stamps and perforations.
Netherlands Indies.
New Guinea.
Netherlands Antilles (Incl. Curaçao).
Aruba.€ 34,95Part 1 + 2
Catalogue Netherlands Papermoney: Part 1 + 2Combination Catalogue Papermoney of the Netherlands, Part 1 and 2.
€ 69,90 € 49,90Jubileum-editie
Anniversary issue of the Dutch Chapter of Paper money collectors 1986-2006Tijdschrift, Magazine.
€ 12,50Verkooyen II
Verkooyen Emergency issues Netherlands World War I (Part II. In Dutch)Catalogus Noodgeld eerste wereldoorlog bedrijven en particuliere instellingen.
€ 20,00Drenthe
Paper money province Drenthe, Alexander Moes, Sleen 2019Book Catalogue paper money province Drenthe 1914-2002 (Sleen 2019). Author A. Moes.
€ 30,00Band.3
Germany Band 3 Das deutsche Großnotgeld 1918-1921Duitsland / Germany, Boek .
Cat. Band.3.€ 39,90 € 35,80Band.4
Germany Band 4 Die Notgeldscheine der deutschen InflationDuitsland / Germany, Boek .
Cat. Band.4.€ 39,90 € 35,80Band.11
Germany Band 11 Das deutsche Notgeld von 1914/1915Duitsland / Germany, Boek .
Catalogus Band.11.€ 39,90 € 35,90Band.13
Germany Band 13 Das Papiergeld der deutschen Eisenbahnen und der ReichspostDuitsland / Germany, Boek .
Cat. Band.13.€ 39,90 € 35,90Akkermans 25
Auction catalogue Akkermans 25Numismatische objecten / Numismatic objects, Veilingcatalogus / Auction catalogue 19-4-2012.
€ 6,00 € 4,00Akkermans 28
Auction catalogue Akkermans 28Numismatische objecten / Numismatic objects, Veilingcatalogus / Auction catalogue 25-9-2013.
€ 6,00 € 4,00Akkermans 30
Auction catalogue Akkermans 30Numismatische objecten / Numismatic objects, Veilingcatalogus 24-9-2014.
€ 6,00 € 4,00Akkermans 34
Auction catalogue Akkermans 34Numismatische objecten / Numismatic objects, Veilingcatalogus / Auction catalogue 22-9-2016.
€ 6,00 € 4,00Het Nederlandse bankbiljet en zijn vormgeving
Het Nederlandse bankbiljet en zijn vormgeving. J. Bolten. Book 19871987. J. Bolten "Het Nederlandse bankbiljet en zijn vormgeving". Boek/Book.
€ 20,00Het bankbiljet in alle staten
"Het bankbiljet in alle staten" R. Brion en J.L. Moreau. Book 2001Het bankbiljet in alle staten, Boek 2001.
€ 20,00- Argus des € monnaies & des € Billets. Éditions les Chevau-Légers
Boeken / Books, Papiergeld / Paper money.
Argus des € monnaies & des € Billets. Éditions les Chevau-Légers€ 7,50 - MRI Banker's Guide to foreign Currency. 42nd Edition. I.2002
Boeken / Books, Papiergeld / Paper money .
MRI Banker's Guide to foreign Currency. 42nd Edition. I.2002€ 15,00 - MRI Banker's Guide to foreign Currency. 43rd Edition. II.2002
Boeken / Books, Papiergeld / Paper money .
MRI Banker's Guide to foreign Currency. 43rd Edition. II.2002€ 15,00 - MRI Banker's Guide to foreign Currency. 47th Edition. II.2003
Boeken / Books, Papiergeld / Paper money .
MRI Banker's Guide to foreign Currency. 47th Edition. II.2003€ 15,00 - MRI Banker's Guide to foreign Currency. 49th Edition. IV.2003
Boeken / Books, Papiergeld / Paper money .
MRI Banker's Guide to foreign Currency. 49th Edition. IV.2003€ 15,00 - MRI Banker's Guide to foreign Currency. 50th Edition. I.2004
Boeken / Books, Papiergeld / Paper money .
MRI Banker's Guide to foreign Currency. 50th Edition. I.2004€ 15,00 - MRI Banker's Guide to foreign Currency. 51st Edition. II.2004
Boeken / Books, Papiergeld / Paper money .
MRI Banker's Guide to foreign Currency. 51st Edition. II.2004€ 15,00 - MRI Banker's Guide to foreign Currency. 52nd Edition. III.2004
Boeken / Books, Papiergeld / Paper money .
MRI Banker's Guide to foreign Currency. 52nd Edition. III.2004€ 15,00 - MRI Banker's Guide to foreign Currency. 54th Edition. I.2005
Boeken / Books, Papiergeld / Paper money .
MRI Banker's Guide to foreign Currency. 54th Edition. I.2005€ 15,00 Toele/Jacobi Papermoney
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