Part 2

Catalogue Papermoney of the Netherlands & Overseas territories 1760-Present. Part 2.

SKU: ISBN 978-90-822546-1-7 / 6767
Item 3 of 27
€ 34,95 (including VAT)
Stock 732 pieces.
Specification Description
Country / Issuer: Netherlands
Images: What you see, is what you get
Continent: Europe
Object type: Catalogue
Quality: New

Catalogue Papermoney of The Netherlands - Part 2
The Netherlands + Overseas territories

All information on circulated papermoney, including detailed information on errors, cancellations, Specimen, Proofs and Replacements. With price indication for 3 quality gradings. For starting and advanced collectors. Part 2 in English.

Pick up at various fairs possible.

Over 750 pages and 2500 images.
ISBN 9789082254617

Author Patrick Plomp

Part 2 in series with part 1. (Catalogus Nederlands Papiergeld 1573-2002, including emergency issues and all local paper money ever issued in The Netherlands, Private and governement issues. Part 1 in Dutch)

Banknotes, Silver Certificates/Treasury notes, Bankers notes.


The Netherlands.
Netherlands Indies.New Guinea.
Netherlands Antilles (Incl. Curaçao).
Merchant's coupons
The Netherlands bank for South Africa

Including regular issues, errors, specimen, proofs and designs, replacements and goodovers.

Prices in 3 qualities. Except for the rarest of type, all variants are identified with a price tag in Euro.

Due to the international character of the catalogue, because of the (former) colonies, the entire catalogue is set in English.

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