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Luxemburg P39/B321 100 Francs 1934 (No date)Luxemburg / Luxembourg, 100 Francs 1934 (No date).
Cat. P39.a / B321.a.€ 70,00P42
Luxemburg P42 20 Francs 1943Luxemburg / Luxembourg, 20 Francs. Type jaar/year: [1943]
Geen datum op het biljet / No date on the note.
Cat.1. P42 (Pick/Krause Vol2 1368-1960)
Cat.2. B327 (The Banknote Book).€ 10,00P43.a
Luxemburg P43 5 Francs 1944 (No date)Luxemburg / Luxembourg, 5 Francs. Type jaar/year: [1944 (No date)]
Geen datum op het biljet / No date on the note.
Cat.1. P43.a (Pick/Krause Vol2 1368-1960)
Cat.2. B325.a (The Banknote Book).€ 11,50P43/B325
Luxemburg P43/B325 5 Francs 1944 (No date)Luxemburg / Luxembourg, 5 Francs Type: [1944 (No date)] .
Cat. P43 / B325.€ 12,50P44.a
Luxemburg P44 10 Francs 1944 (No date)Luxemburg / Luxembourg, 10 Francs. Type jaar/year: [1944 (No date)]
Geen datum op het biljet / No date on the note.
Cat.1. P44.a (Pick/Krause Vol2 1368-1960)
Cat.2. B326.a (The Banknote Book).€ 20,00 € 17,50P44.a
Luxemburg P44 10 Francs 1944 (No date)Luxemburg / Luxembourg, 10 Francs. Type jaar/year: [1944 (No date)]
Geen datum op het biljet / No date on the note.
Cat.1. P44.a (Pick/Krause Vol2 1368-1960)
Cat.2. B326.a (The Banknote Book).€ 20,00 € 15,00P44.a
Luxemburg P44 10 Francs 1944 (No date)Luxemburg / Luxembourg, 10 Francs. Type jaar/year: [1944 (No date)]
Geen datum op het biljet / No date on the note.
Cat. P44.a (Pick/Krause Vol2 1368-1960) / B326.a (The Banknote Book).€ 20,00P48.b
Luxemburg P48 10 Francs 1954 (No date)Luxemburg / Luxembourg, 10 Francs. Type jaar/year: [1954 (No date)]
Geen datum op het biljet / No date on the note.
Cat. P48.b (Pick/Krause Vol2 1368-1960) / B331.b (The Banknote Book).€ 1,50P48.c
Luxemburg P48 10 Francs 1954 (No date)Luxemburg / Luxembourg, 10 Francs. Type jaar/year: [1954 (No date)]
Geen datum op het biljet / No date on the note.
Cat.1. P48.c (Pick/Krause Vol2 1368-1960)
Cat.2. B331.c (The Banknote Book).€ 5,00P49
Luxemburg P49 20 Francs 1955 (No date)Luxemburg / Luxembourg, 20 Francs. Type jaar/year: [1955 (No date)]
Geen datum op het biljet / No date on the note.
Cat.1. P49 (Pick/Krause Vol2 1368-1960)
Cat.2. B332 (The Banknote Book).€ 7,50P51.a
Luxemburg P51 50 Francs 1961Luxemburg / Luxembourg, 50 Francs. Type jaar/year: [1961]
Datum/date: 6-2-1961.
Cat.1. P51.a (Pick/Krause Vol3 1961-Present)
Cat.2. B334 (The Banknote Book).€ 10,00P58.b
Luxemburg P58.b 100 Francs 1986 (No date)Luxemburg / Luxembourg, 100 Francs. Type jaar/year: [1986 (No date)]
Geen datum op het biljet / No date on the note.
Cat.1. P58.b (Pick/Krause Vol3 1961-Present)
Cat.2. B401.b (The Banknote Book).€ 14,00 Papiergeld
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