Egypte P37.a 1 Pound 1961Egypte / Egypt, 1 Pound. Type jaar/year: [1961-'67]
Datum/date: 13-5-1961.
Cat.1. P37.a (Pick/Krause Vol3 1961-Present)
Cat.2. B303.a (The Banknote Book).€ 25,00P42
Egypte P42 25 Piastres 1970Egypte / Egypt, 25 Piastres. Type jaar/year: [1967-'75]
Datum/date: 8-1-1970.
Cat.1. P42 (Pick/Krause Vol3 1961-Present)
Cat.2. B308.a (The Banknote Book).€ 20,00P43.a
Egypte P43.a 50 Piastres 1978Egypte / Egypt, 50 Piastres. Type jaar/year: [1967-'76]
Datum/date: 10-1-1978.
Cat.1. P43.a (Pick/Krause Vol3 1961-Present)
Cat.2. B309.c (The Banknote Book).€ 12,00P45.c
Egypte P45 5 Pounds 1978Egypte / Egypt, 5 Pounds Type: [1969-'78] 15-11-1978.
Cat. P45.c / B311.c.€ 7,00P45.c
Egypte P45.c 5 Pounds 1978Egypte / Egypt, 5 Pounds. Type jaar/year: [1969-'78]
Datum/date: 15-11-1978.
Cat.1. P45.c (Pick/Krause Vol3 1961-Present)
Cat.2. B311.c (The Banknote Book).€ 2,00P46
Egypte P46 10 Pounds 1975Egypte / Egypt, 10 Pounds. Type jaar/year: [1969-'78]
Datum/date: 5-2-1975.
Cat.1. P46 (Pick/Krause Vol3 1961-Present)
Cat.2. B312.b (The Banknote Book).€ 3,00P50
Egypte P57 25 Piastres 2004Egypte / Egypt, 25 Piastres Type: [1985-2008] 3-7-2004.
Cat. P57.i / B323.i.€ 1,00 € 0,75P57.b
Egypte P57.i 25 Piastres 1985-2008Egypte / Egypt, 25 Piastres 9-12-2004.
Cat. P57.i / B323.i.€ 1,00P57.j
Egypte P57.j 25 Piastres 1985-2008Egypte / Egypt, 25 Piastres 24-12-2008.
Cat. P57.j / B323.j.€ 1,00P57.j
Egypte P57.j 25 Piastres 1985-2008Egypte / Egypt, 25 Piastres 10-9-2008.
Cat. P57.j / B323.j.€ 1,00P58.a
Egypte P62 50 Piastres 2004Egypte / Egypt, 50 Piastres Type: [1995-2008] 3-3-2004.
Cat. P62.f / B328.e.€ 1,00P62.f
Egypte P62 50 Piastres 2005Egypte / Egypt, 50 Piastres Type: [1995-2008] 21-5-2005.
Cat. P62.f / B328.e.€ 1,00P62.a
Egypte P62 50 Piastres 2007Egypte / Egypt, 50 Piastres. Type datum/date: [1995-2008] 24-1-2007.
Cat. P62.a (Pick/Krause Vol3 1961-Present) / B328.a (The Banknote Book).€ 1,00P64.c
Egypte P70 50 Piastres 2017Egypte / Egypt, 50 Piastres Type: [2017-2018] 1-2-2017.
Cat. P70.a / B342.a.€ 1,00 € 0,75P70.a
Egypte P70.a 50 Piastres 2017-2018Egypte / Egypt, 50 Piastres 4-1-2017.
Cat. P70.a / B342.a.€ 1,00P70.a/B342.a
Egypte P70.a 50 Piastres 2017-2018Egypte / Egypt, 50 Piastres 24-1-2017.
Cat. P70.a / B342.a.€ 2,00 € 1,00P76/B342
Egypte P167 10 Piastres 1942Egypte / Egypt, 10 Piastres. Type jaar/year: [1942]
Datum/date: 6-2-1942.
Cat.1. P167 (Pick/Krause Vol2 1368-1960)
Cat.2. B211.c (The Banknote Book).€ 21,50P181.d
Egyptisch Arabische Republiek P181 10 Piastres 1940 (No date)Egyptisch Arabische Republiek / Arab Republic of Egypt, 10 Piastres Type: [1940 (No date)] .
Cat. P181.d / B225.d.€ 15,00P184
Egyptisch Arabische Republiek P184 10 Piastres (No date)Egyptisch Arabische Republiek / Arab Republic of Egypt, 10 Piastres (No date).
Cat. P184 / B228.a.€ 3,00P184
Egyptisch Arabische Republiek P184 10 Piastres (No date)Egyptisch Arabische Republiek / Arab Republic of Egypt, 10 Piastres. Type jaar/year: [(No date)]
Geen datum op het biljet / No date on the note.
Cat.1. P184 (Pick/Krause Vol3 1961-Present)
Cat.2. B228.b (The Banknote Book).€ 3,00P188.b
Egyptisch Arabische Republiek P188 5 Piastres L.1940Egyptisch Arabische Republiek / Arab Republic of Egypt, 5 Piastres Type: [L.1940] .
Cat. P188.b.€ 1,25P188b
Egyptisch Arabische Republiek P188b 5 Piastres L.1940Egyptisch Arabische Republiek/Arab Republic of Egypt, 5 Piastres L.1940. Cat. BNL./P188.b.
€ 1,00P189.a
Egyptisch Arabische Republiek P189.a 10 Piastres 1999 (No date)Egyptisch Arabische Republiek / Arab Republic of Egypt, 10 Piastres 1999 (No date).
Cat. P189.a / B232.€ 1,00P191.c
Egyptisch Arabische Republiek P191 10 Piastres 2006 (No date)Egyptisch Arabische Republiek / Arab Republic of Egypt, 10 Piastres Type: [2006 (No date)] .
Cat. P191.c / B235.€ 2,00
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